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SMART Finance Related News

03 September 2021

Operating Capital Deficit Coding Change

During FY21, MDE eliminated using object 545 with finance 302. Prior to FY21, districts would credit account E01-005-850-302-545-000 and debit E01-005-850-000-545-000 to eliminate an Operating Capital Deficit (B01-424-000). Currently, to eliminate an FY21 deficit, auditors/districts were posting an entry debiting 01-422-000 and crediting B01-424-000. On August 13th, MDE reinstated using object 545 with finance 302 for FY21. The chargeback method used to eliminate deficits in years prior to FY21 is now valid again.

Region 1 has shut off account E01-005-850-302-545-000 with an End Period of 202014 in the Chart of Accounts Setup window. If you want to eliminate an FY 21 Operating Capital deficit using expense accounts, you can re-activate this account by changing the End Period to 999999.


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SMART Systems is owned, developed and supported by Regions I, II, III, IV and V, serving Minnesota school districts and other education related service agencies for more than 35 years