There is a new screen that we strongly recommend using when running your DIRS reports. You can find it in your Tree under Synergy SIS > MN > Minnesota Reports, or by typing ‘Minnesota Reports’ into your Quick Launch bar.
Select the report you would like to run (STU814.MN: DIRS) from the dropdown. Then select your District from the Reporting District drop down. You do not need to adjust your Date Range.
If you would like to run this report for a specific school instead of your district, click on the Filters line, then the Chooser button on the Organizations grid, and select your specific school there.

On the Configuration tab, you can check the ‘Exclude Warnings from Error Report’ so you then only need to see the Errors that require your review.

Click ‘Create Report’. This will generate the files needed to review your errors, submission, xml,etc.

On the History tab you can always download, reference, review any of the files that have been generated for this report - Clicking on Show Detail will show you all files, as the Batch Extract is the only file showing on the line without clicking this button.