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Meals Plus Year End
06 June 2022

Meals Plus Year End

As we prepare for migrating districts to a new lunch system software application, the Year End process provided by Region 1 will be modified this year. Please provide us with the following:

  • Last day of school for the 2021-22 year.
  • Anticipated date when all meal account balances will be updated (Refunds or Transfers)
  • The new lunch system software application you have selected, and the anticipated date on which you will go live on the new lunch system.
  • Please take a copy of your Meals Plus roster, balances and application dates for 2021-22

In regard to lunch balance data for the new lunch system, please provide us with a STOP date for receiving any incoming meal payments. Based upon that STOP date, Region 1 will provide a final lunch balance file that you may provide to your new lunch system vendor.   

With the new lunch system, Region 1 will assist the lunch system software vendors in creating the file transfer process from the Synergy SIS to update student and parent data in the new hot lunch system. We are hoping to be able to work with the lunch system software vendors so this file transfer process will automatically update on a daily basis. Additionally, we are hoping to have the lunch system software vendors provide a daily file regarding economic indicator status that we can automatically import into Synergy. The only data that will actually be pulled from Meals Plus for the new lunch system software will be the students/staffs balance and last application date.

Region 1 will provide each Meal Plus customer a list of third party entities to which we are sending Meals Plus related data extracts. It is the district's responsibility to work with the new hot lunch software vendors to set up those extracts from the new hot lunch system.  

If you are planning on staying with Meals Plus and Region 1 to start the new school year, we will follow our normal new year rollover process on your Meals Plus data:

  • Region 1 will update the following:
    • Income Guidelines
    • Reimbursement Rates
    • Advancing students and removing inactive students 

Region 1 will still be backing up and saving a copy of your 2021-22 Meals Plus database and storing it on our server farm for 3 years. If you require access to that data after December 31, 2022, you will need to contact our office so we can provide temporary access.  

If you have any special accommodations or questions, please email them to



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