Meals Plus recommends running the “Delete Non-Current Students” function approximately 3 months after the start of a new school year.
To access the Delete Non-Current Student option, a Meals Plus Administrator simply logs into System Management, selects the Administration menu, and “Delete Non-Current Students.”
Meals Plus will display a list of all students (status 2-5) who meet the following criteria:
- No Point of Sale meal history or transactions in the current school year (since July 1).
- No Free and Reduced application on file in the current school year.
- No Teacher or Grade assignment for the current school year.

Check the boxes for the students that you want to delete. If you check the box in the column heading, it will select all students.
- To process multiple students, highlight the first one, and hold down the Shift key and highlight the last one. Once they are all highlighted, click "Check Selected Students":

- When you are done with your selections, click the “Delete Students” button to archive the selected students:

- Selected students will be changed to Status 0 and will no longer be available through Point of Sale or Student Eligibility.
If you deleted a student in error, you may access them through the “Re-Enroll” option from the Student menu in Point of Sale.