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SMART Finance Related News

22 February 2017

New Special Ed Comment

The Special Ed Comment required for POs has been revised.  If you would like to use this new comment, Copy and Paste the comment below to Administration > Auto Comments > Spec Ed and overlay the comment that is currently in use.  If you would like us to do this for you, let us know.

  1. In the absence of special education needs, would this cost exist?
  2. Is this cost also generated by students without disabilities?
  3. Is the need for this service/product documented in one or more student IEPs? If yes, one or more student MARSS #________________  MARSS #_________________
  4. Is the cost based on a classroom-wide “Behavior Intervention Plan? A description of that plan must be attached.
  5. If the cost is for a blanket purchase order for routine purchasing of basic, consumable classroom or office supplies, provide a detailed description of the types of supplies or products to be ordered.


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SMART Systems is owned, developed and supported by Regions I, II, III, IV and V, serving Minnesota school districts and other education related service agencies for more than 35 years