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Surveys Within Synergy
01 March 2017

Surveys Within Synergy

Surveys and acknowledgements was a topic at our recent business conference.  In our discussion, someone asked if a survey could be used for Royalty voting by students.  It was a great question, and a good example of how it could expedite the voting process for the candidates, students and office staff.

Here is a suggested setup for doing a survey for Royalty voting:

  • Create your Survey definition.  Establish when it will open and close by entering dates and times.
  • Populate the Introduction Statement and Finishing Statement on the Define tab.
  • Create separate pages (or not) for your candidates.
  • Add a Radio Button Survey type for survey question and mark them required.  Show the detail of this Radio Button.  Enter the Prompt like Vote for one Candidate (King, Queen,…).  List your candidates as possible answers in any order you choose, probably alphabetic.
  • Identify your Respondents
  • This would most likely be your students where you could filter your choices by Course, Student Groups or any personal filters that you have within your Filter Icon.  If you choose not to filter the students, then all students in this school will receive an e-mail provided they have one with a link to vote for the royalty.  They will only be allowed to vote once, and you can limit the survey window by date and time.
  • You can Preview your survey at any time by clicking the Preview button at the top of the screen.
  • To launch your Survey, navigate to the Launch tab.  Add the appropriate languages for the e-mail notification (typically English).   Click the Send Email to Participants and Enable Survey button.
  • As voting is taking place, the Synergy user can monitor via the Admin tab the survey statistics.  There is also an option to Remove all Responses and Reset the Survey button if you would like to use this definition for another event.  If this is the case, then be sure to change your survey questions.
  • When the survey window closes, the Synergy user can run the SRV801 report via the Menu box of the Survey definition (or from the Synergy Tree / Survey / Reports tab).


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