MCCC - General Notes for 2016-17
MDE has the MCCC web site open for districts to create (rollover) their calendars for the 2017 year. We recommend that you do this now, and then record the Academic ID and Calendar Number onto the MCCC tab of the State Requirements view for each school you intend to report via Synergy.
You can also submit your MCCC course file. Synergy has been enhanced to allow you to generate a district level course file, or a course file by school (using the school course opt-in for a given school year).
If your sections are ready to be extracted, and you do not expect any changes, staff files can be uploaded.
MCCC - Early Education for 2016-17
You can begin to code your Early Education courses that you used to assign to the sections of students in your ECFE, School Readiness or Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten sites.
You will begin with District Course view / Description tab to properly code the following fields:
- National Course Classification – Subject Area, Course and Sequence
- State Course Classification – Subject Area, Course Level, Standard Addressed
Next, you will stay on the District Course view but navigate to the Early Education tab. There you will enter the following info:
- Location
- Curriculum / Implementation Code – multiples are allowed per course
- Program Type – only 1 should be selected per course
- Standards Placement – multiples are allowed per course
- Instructional Approach / Implementation Code – multiples are allowed per course
- Site Based Initiative / Implementation Code – multiples are allowed per course
- Assessment Tool Type (coming in the next patch) / Implementation Code – multiples are allowed per course
Navigate to the Section view and maintain the following information:
- Section Record Type (normally would be ScheduleStudentRecord)
- Instructional Method – Should be EE for Early Education
You will see an Early Education tab on the section view allowing an override of the instructional approach and site based initiative fields. If nothing is present here, then the section will default to the fields on the District Course view.
We suggest that you consult with your Early Education Director or teacher about any of the data mentioned above to properly code the courses and sections.
The extract program to generate the staff and student files will be released soon.
MCCC 2017-18 - Grades K - 08
The Minnesota Department of Education is expanding the collection of MCCC data for grades K-8.
They will want to collect MCCC data about your Social, Science PE/Health and Arts departments in addition to currently collected Math and Language Arts courses. World Languages and Technology departments are also being considered, but are not on the list right now.
What does this mean for you? New codes will be coming soon from MDE, and you will be required to code your courses appropriately.
What you should be doing now if you use objective based report cards? In addition to creating the Home Room sections, Math, Language Arts and all of your pull out sections (Music, PE, Technology, Art …) you should also be creating the needed sections for Social and Science areas too. This may mean that you will have to create the needed courses, opt into those courses, and create and assign the sections. You will want to mark these sections to be included in grading, and we will need to attach these new courses to your objective based report cards (so an item on the report card will need to be identified).
When should you do this? If you use section linking, you will need to have all of these sections created before you begin to drop the students into your homeroom sections. Why? It will save you the time and effort of assigning them later.
Remember section linking will (if implemented via your school setup) add your home room students to all linked sections assigned to the home room teacher. If your home room teacher teaches sections of students that belong to another home room teacher then that section should be excluded from section linking. To do this you would find the section using the section view and in the Restrictions group box check the box next to the phrase “Exclude From Link Section Process”.
School Setup screen shot for Scheduling Options and linking (mostly used in Elementary sites only):

Section view where the Exclude from Link Section Process: