MARSS Deadlines
August 10th Optional: Statewide edit; New statewide reports will be posted.
Thursday, August 24th: Files due to RMIC
Thursday, August 31st: Files due to MDE
Used for: September 30 FY 2023 entitlements; Special Education tuition billing; September 30FY 2023 Early Childhood Screening Aid.
- Now is a great time to work on MCCC before the start of the new school year when things tend to get busy.
- Final Birth-12 MCCC will close Friday, December 8, 2023.
- When helping districts finalize their MCCC reporting this year we noticed that the Direct Pay PSEO courses were not being posted or manually entered into Student Course History completely.
- We recommend making your Direct Pay PSEO sections “Include in Grading” and then manually entering in grades to Student Grade.
- When Update Student Course History is run all of the needed College information will be transferred to Student Course History correctly.
- One thing you will need to do is set the college where the course was taken. When posted to Student Course History it will show that they were taken at the High School.

- Documentation on how to report Direct Pay PSEO courses is now available and posted on the Synergy Help screen under State Reporting.
Ed-Fi Update
- New to Ed-Fi? MDE will be hosting two webinars to provide an introduction to MARSS reporting in Ed-Fi for new MARSS Coordinators, those new to Ed-Fi, or those wanting a refresher. Links for all sessions will be on the MDE Calendar.
- Districts should no longer be using Year extensions to report their ESY, this is seen as a different school year in Ed-Fi. An ESY school should be created and MDE will issue a school number for them. Region 1 can assist you in creating those new schools in Synergy. If you have any questions, please reach out to Becky.

- Synergy districts please have your IOwA renew Becky’s access to the Ed-FI Validation Portal (EDVP) so she can continue to help with Ed-Fi reporting.
- Instructions on how to enter Student Support Data Collection (SSDC) data can be found on the Help screen under State Reporting> Ed-Fi> RAEL, SLIFE, Immigrant and Active Duty Parent in Ed-Fi.
- If you have not done so already, we highly recommend signing up to receive the Ed-Fi Newsletter. You can do so by going to the MDE Website and clicking on “Subscribe to the Ed-Fi Updates newsletter” found at the top.
- The Ed-Fi training webinar is now posted on the Help screen. It can be found under State Reporting > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi in Synergy Webinar.
- When working on your comparison report be sure to do a MARSS upload so you have current data to work with. If Region 1 uploads your files, please email and let us know when your files are on the FTP site. If you let us know that they are for your comparison report, no release will need to be signed. That being said, please make sure you submit clean files before the deadline, or MDE will take previous uploads. There is no way for us to tell MDE that one upload is for comparison, and one upload is for the deadline.
- If you are needing assistance with how to run a comparison report or how to run your Ed-Fi data through MARSS WES please reach out to . She has been hosting one-on-ones with districts to go through these processes.