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Minnesota Common Course Catalogue (MCCC) 2017-2018
03 May 2018

Minnesota Common Course Catalogue (MCCC) 2017-2018

MDE has the site open for you to submit your Courses and Staff files.  Wait with the Student files until your school year has ended and the grades have been posted to student course history.

Here are the top ten things you must absolutely do!

  1. Roll your 2017 calendars forward to 2018 on the MCCC site.  This is the easiest and most efficient way for you to create your 2018 calendars.
  2. Create and/ or edit all calendars before you update any staff files.  This includes editing all dates, days in session, days of instruction, valid term codes and all needed periods of instruction.
  3. Populate the State Requirements / MCCC tab with the academic year id, calendar number and default period length for every site you will report.  You get the academic year id and calendar number from the MCCC site.
  4. Make sure that you have created the staff history records for each site on the section view.
  5. Make sure that your sections (those you intend to report) have the instructional method, section record type, and the exclude from state reporting set with proper values.
  6. Your School calendar must have a bell schedule and each period in that bell schedule needs a valid time frame (this time frame should be the default number of minutes on average the course/section meets).  It is used to calculate instructional minutes for MCCC.
  7. All courses in grades K-8 in these subject areas must be coded.  Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Music, PE and Art.  You will need to re-code the Math and Language Arts courses because these codes have changed.  The three fields that will change are the Subject Areas in the National and State group boxes and the common course code in the National group box.  These are found on the District Course view, Description tab.
  8. Courses that are excluded from state reporting, inactive, do not have a common course code, or are not opted into (when extracting for a specific school) do not get extracted into the course xml.
  9. Sections that do not have an instructional method, or are excluded from state reporting, are excluded from the extract
  10. Staff assigned to sections must have a file folder number.  This is entered on the Staff view.


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