Synergy allows you to schedule jobs, and have those jobs generate a new job to run at a later date. This happens on the ‘Advanced’ tab of most report interfaces. The user has options to run the job once, daily, weekly or by month, and the report interface will change depending on the option you select. There is a start time required and a start date/end date range that is required too (always recommend that you use an end date). Most of the time Weekly is selected and the option to run Every 1 week is the most common.

The scheduling of the update to homerooms is an example of recurring jobs. Other recurring jobs that you want to have running in the background are: jobs that handle Synergy’s Bulk and Immediate E-mail, Tasks, Dash board widgets, lunch counts, attendance reports …
To easily view your recurring jobs you can hover over this Icon (shown below) on your Synergy Desktop and see your recurring jobs. To see all recurring jobs you can click the JobQ Viewer or JobQ Admin buttons at the bottom of this screen.
When hovering over this icon a Job Q Summary opens showing you something similar to what you see below. Please notice the two buttons at the bottom center of the popup (mentioned in the prior paragraph).

JobQueue Viewer button shows you the jobs that you (as a user) ran and the JobQueue Admin button (may not be available to all users) will show you all the jobs that every user has run. Here you can check the Show Recurring box and click the Filter button to see the recurring jobs. Each job can show details about the job.
There are certain recurring jobs that you want to stop and restart each school year.
- Jobs related to Data reports (Attendance, Student, MARSS…) should be stopped at the end of the school year and started the next school year.
Jobs related to tasks should also be stopped at the end of the school year and started the next school year (Medication Monitor, Grade Book Alerts…).