Product Spotlight

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15 June 2017

Making Changes to Your Employee Benefit Program?


Making Changes to Your Employee Benefit Program?

Consider the Heath Savings Account Option at Region I 

A Health Savings Account (HSA) offers employees a tax-advantaged way to save and pay for eligible out-of-pocket healthcare expenses.
  • It is an individually owned and portable account.
  • It allows both employer and employee contributions
  • Funds can be used at any time to pay for eligible medical expenses, or withdrawn at age 65 for any purpose with no penalty.
  • It can also be used by your dependents, and passed along to beneficiaries in the event of your death - a good option for estate planning.
Why Choose an HSA with Region I?
  • Cash balances are FDIC insured by our trustee, Avidia Bank.  
  • Competitive interest rate is paid on all cash balances
  • Participants have access to their own web portal
  • A variety of disbursement options are available – debit card, checkbook, direct pay, or transfer HSA funds directly to your personal checking or savings account.
  • Low monthly account maintenance fee of $1.00
  • Investment options. To start investing, only a $1,000 HSA balance is needed. And if you maintain a $3,000 cash balance in your HSA, the monthly investment account maintenance fee is waived! Almost unheard of in today’s HSA environment.
Interested in what Region I has to offer? Contact us for a no obligation cost proposal. We provide employee group presentations. 
Bob at or (800) 450-2990 x 101



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