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Tips and Tricks and Updates to the Edupoint Synergy Suite of products

07 June 2024

DIRS 2023-24 Updates


  • Marijuana has been removed as a drug type under Illegal Drugs, and Cannabis has been added as a separate Incident Type with its own State Code. Region 1 has made this change in all districts and updated all incidents that were listed as Illegal Drugs – Marijuana to pull correctly in the XML.
  • The following two disciplinary action types will replace the previous “Offender withdrew from school” disciplinary action type in DIRS:  1) “Student withdrew from school – without pupil withdrawal agreement” and  2) “Student withdrew from school – with pupil withdrawal agreement”.
  • For each instance in which one of the three following disciplinary action types is selected, 1) “Expulsion from the school setting,” 2) “Exclusion from the school setting,” or 3) “Student withdrew from school – with pupil withdrawal agreement,” you must select the applicable NED practices and briefly describe them in a text box. Below, Table 1 provides all DIRS options for non exclusionary disciplinary practices, depending on the student’s grade.

Please let Region 1 know if you have any incidents in which you are using  “Expulsion from the school setting,” “Exclusion from the school setting,” or “Offender withdrew from school” and we can help make sure they are reported correctly.



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