SMART Finance News You Can Use

SMART Finance Related News

February 2018

Basic Skills Extended Time

If you are using MDE’s latest 2018 Revenue Project Model, a new finance dimension of 309 has been added for Basic Skills Extended Time.  If there is money in this category on the Revenue Summary, you will need to show expenses and revenue using finance 309.  If you plan to spend the revenue in the current year (which Region 1 would recommend) a closing account of 422 can be used.
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November 2017
New Special Education UFARS, SERVS, EDRS

New Special Education UFARS, SERVS, EDRS

Just a reminder that the deadline for UFARS, SERVS, and EDRS reconciliation is November 30th.  Contact Stacy or Alison if you need assistance. Below is a sample of a new Special Education comment that can be used on Purchase Orders or Requisitions.  If you want to add this comment or change an existing special education comment go to Administration > Access > Auto Comments.  Contact us if you need help. 
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June 2017
Revenue Budgeting for FY18

Revenue Budgeting for FY18

A new version of the FY 2018 Revenue Projection Model is now available on MDE’s website.  If you would like assistance working on next year’s revenue budget, contact Ali, Stacy, or Wayne for different options to help you prepare your FY18 revenue budget.  We like to incorporate the Smart Finance Budget Workpapers into the budgeting process.
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May 2017
Using Online Requests?

Using Online Requests?

If you are using Online Requests in SMARTeR please note the following change:All employees now have permission to make requests in SMARTeR.  We no longer have to add security for employees one at a time for them to see the Online Request window.
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A SMART Tip for Payoff Vouchers

A SMART Tip for Payoff Vouchers

As you get ready for Payroll Payoffs, let’s get the Payoff Vouchers into the correct period.  Make sure you assign the Payoff Vouchers for July and August to periods 201801 and 201802…your Auditors will be much happier.  See the instructions below for creating Payoff Vouchers that will have July and August check dates.
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March 2017
News and Notes

News and Notes

Closing Periods, Revenue Budgeting for FY18 and Housecleaning!
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February 2017

SMART Finance Favorites List

If you want to establish a Favorites list, right click on a menu item and click Add to My Favorites.
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New Special Ed Comment

The Special Ed Comment required for POs has been revised. If you would like to use this new comment, Copy and Paste the comment below to Administration > Auto Comments > Spec Ed and overlay the comment that is currently in use. If you would like us to do this for you, let us know.
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January 2017


BIG IRS CHANGE:  The E-Filing for 1099’s is now due by January 31, instead of March. This means that you need to have any and all changes to the 1099’s to us by January 28th.  We suggest you tackle getting your 1099’s done the first part of January because of this change.Please let Ali or Stacy know when you are ready to go and we will get the 1099’s printed and out to you.
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Budgeting Reminders

Budgeting Reminders Have you notified Region 1 to set aside your FY17 adopted budget?  If not, it’s time.  Your auditors will be expecting an adopted budget (A17) to perform their audit. Have you recently reviewed your current year revenue budget?  It might be a good time to do a current student count and use MDE’s new Revenue Projection model to verify the current revenue budget.  We can help you with this.
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SMART Systems is owned, developed and supported by Regions I, II, III, IV and V, serving Minnesota school districts and other education related service agencies for more than 35 years