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SMART HR Related News

January 2024
SmartHR Tip

SmartHR Tip

  You may want to consider setting LIFETAX up as a per pay period item starting in January so it is not forgotten in December each year (or during the year if the employee resigns). Process but HOLD your 2023 Q4-941 and State Filing until you receive your W-2 confirmation from Region 1, in case additional adjustments are necessary. ​​​​​​​
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December 2023
SmartHR Tip

SmartHR Tip

Rally for Online W-2’s in your district Now is the time to notify your employees that W-2’s will be available online. Save your district time and money by having your employees print their own W-2. Employees will need to log into SMARTeR to consent.  
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SmartHR Tip

SmartHR Tip

Verify calendar year end limits.If you have January 1 renewals on your deductions, now is a good time to verify the calendar limits. For example: Health Insurance, HSA or FSA deductions.  
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October 2023
SmartHR Tip

SmartHR Tip

Let your employees update their Direct Deposit/W4 Information on eRThe Direct Deposit page in SMART eR allows employees to view their district deposit information online. When allowed by the district, the employee can change the amounts allocated to their bank account(s) online. An electronic signature is required. Changes made will not be active until it is signed by the employee and then moved into a payroll. The W-4 page in SMART eR allows employees to view their W-4 withholding amounts ...
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New Requirement to Access BSO Employer Services

Very Important: Reminder that you must have your BSO (Business Services Online) account set up immediately, if you haven’t already done so. This will be used if your district requires a W-2C online and can also be used for social security number verification service (SSNVS). You will need a Social Security online account to access the BSO Employer Services website.
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September 2023

Fiscal Year End Processes - Are You Current?

Is your 2023 FYE Checklist complete?Are your ACA rows up to date?Have you been working on the Wage Theft Law Statements? There is a handout available on our website. Please call your payroll processor for assistance on any of the above. Remember, it’s easier to work forward rather than backwards.
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STAR Reporting

New to your district? Change positions? Be sure your STAR contact information at MDE is correct in order to get updates from MDE regarding STAR reporting. Visit  to find out who is registered as your STAR coordinator. (Watch your email for STAR updates-STAR reporting) 
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SmartHR Tip

SmartHR Tip

Pay Check Information. Is it correct?With the first pay check in September, it’s a great time to have your employees verify their pay stub information. Are they seeing their new rate of pay, if it changed for FY24? Are their deductions correct? For example: Did TSA amounts change? Are they seeing Health Insurance, if they enrolled? Are they seeing additional taxes withheld, if they put that on their W4? 
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August 2023
SmartHR Tip

SmartHR Tip

Rate Tables.  Are you using them? They work great for Pay Codes and Deduction Codes. Now is a good time to set them up! Contact us for setup instructions.
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July 2023

OSHA Filing Uses Locations in SMART HR

Are you using locations correctly in SMART HR? Locations are for physical locations a.k.a buildings. A good practice would be to have your locations match the ORG codes you have in finance. If you have created a location called Subs or Mail Out then you are using the field incorrectly. As an alternative you could use department to flag your subs and use check location to flag your employees that need checks mailed out. 
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SMART Systems is owned, developed and supported by Regions I, II, III, IV and V, serving Minnesota school districts and other education related service agencies for more than 35 years