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Archive by author: Amanda KadrmasReturn
July 2018
Staff and Users

Staff and Users

0 ( 4 reviews)
 Individually inactivate any staff and user accounts for staff that have left or retired.  User – Use the Disable checkbox to disable an account. If the staff person is never coming back we recommend you DELETE the User.Staff – In the new year, remove the Staff School Assignment record on the Schools tab of Staff.  By removing therecord, the Staff becomes Inactive for the school year.  
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Scheduling During the Summer

Scheduling During the Summer

0 ( 3 reviews)
An option in the ParentVUE and StudentVUE Configuration allows a district to suppress Home Room informationuntil you are ready to share the information. This is found in the System folder. Along with this setting use the PVUE and SVUE School Configuration to DISABLE any of the modules over thesummer, for example the Gradebook and the Current Schedule. This view is school specific and DISABLES themodule.  
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2018-2019 School Year

2018-2019 School Year

0 ( 2 reviews)
At some point over the summer, change your District setting to 2018. This sets the current school year to the2018-19 school year. In System Setup – District Setup – Options tab.  
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Student Groups

Student Groups

0 ( 1 reviews)
If your district is using Student Groups, run the Mass Assign Group End Date from the Menu in Groups. This option moves therecords to history. On Student Groups the history tab is updated, and displays all groups for all years and schools. 
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June 2018
Minnesota Common Course Catalog (MCCC) 2017-2018 – Students

Minnesota Common Course Catalog (MCCC) 2017-2018 – Students

0 ( 1 reviews)
Last month we talked about reporting your courses and staff files.  Now it is time to talk about getting your students file generated and reported.1. Compare the marks that you use in your grades HK-12.  If they are not in the list shown below then you will need to crosswalk them to a valid value from the list below. A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, P, PN, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, WP, WF, I Descriptions for the marks that are not A-D are: 2. Use the Lookup Table...
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DIRS Update

DIRS Update

0 ( 2 reviews)
Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) has modified the Disciplinary Incident Reporting System (DIRS).  Modifications were made to comply with Minn. Stat. § 121A.53.  This statute identifies added data collection requirements when an incident is identified as a “physical assault of a district employee by a student.” Two new fields were added – ‘Physical Assault’ which refers to an incident which included a physical assault of a district employee...
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May 2018
Minnesota Common Course Catalogue (MCCC) 2017-2018

Minnesota Common Course Catalogue (MCCC) 2017-2018

0 ( 2 reviews)
MDE has the site open for you to submit your Courses and Staff files.  Wait with the Student files until your school year has ended and the grades have been posted to student course history.Here are the top ten things you must absolutely do! Roll your 2017 calendars forward to 2018 on the MCCC site.  This is the easiest and most efficient way for you to create your 2018 calendars. Create and/ or edit all calendars before you update any staff files.  This includes editing all dates...
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Year End Checklist

Year End Checklist

0 ( 1 reviews)
Year End Status – Graduation Status and DateThe Year End Status field is no longer used for MARSS graduation reporting.  The MARSS extract automatically insertsthe code ‘08’- graduated into the file for any student in grade 12.  If you have seniors not graduating, update the NextGrade and Next School on the Other Info tab.  If next grade is equal to 12, the extract inserts code ‘40’ - End of Year.To determine if a student has met all of the graduation...
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STAR Assignment Codes

STAR Assignment Codes

0 ( 1 reviews)
We have updated STAR Assignment table with the 2017-2018 valid codes and inactivated over 300 that should no longer be used.A process has been put into place here to keep that table maintained starting the 2018-19 school year.If you do generate the Licensed Staff assignment file from Synergy, you may want to review your codes.An easy way to do this is to open the District Course view, and put an asterisk into the following fields: Course Id, Course Title, STARAssignment and STAR Grade Level. The...
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April 2018
Minnesota Common Course Catalog (MCCC) 2018

Minnesota Common Course Catalog (MCCC) 2018

0 ( 2 reviews)
MDE closed the 16-17 (2017) school year on 03/23/18 and just opened the 17-18 (2018) school year for MCCC reporting.Major changes have occurred for this reporting year and will require schools to recode a number of courses.  All K-8 Math and Language Arts courses will need to be recoded, as well as Grades 9-12 World Language courses. New subject areas were added to the K-8 world, PE/Health, Art, Music, Social Studies and Science.  To report these new subject areas, K-8 s...
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